Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Reader

Cutting right to the chase.
A movie about an ex-SS agent who was a guard at the Auschwitz camp, who also happens to have an affair with a 16 yr old (lucky motherfucker in the movie) guy.

The movie is a very sensitive one with a lot of emphasis, albeit not outright on the Holocaust camps.Its a very thought-provoking movie and the kind of romance they portray in the affair is simply brilliant.Romance is not a very faggoty word for a blog I hope. The movie was nice. Did have to wait for quite sometime before someone on dcpp had it. Glad I saw it. Lovely movie.

Kate Winslet is so freaking pretty. She does bare breast scenes again! Nice! I like! We all like! Very nice acting by her in the first half. The story too was fantastic.

A satisfying watch.



Normal self hopefully.
Yes, I heard about this movie only after the Golden Globe awards and the Oscar nominations.Philip Seymour Huffman - if I have spelt it right acted like a weird little prick in 'Capote', the acting was great. I have also heard a lot of shit as to how Meryl Streep is good and so on and on. Amy Adams, I tell is beautiful!

So the movie was an obvious choice.

The movie is mostly about the principles and ideals of a convent-public school in I dont remember which place in America. There is this tight-ass principal played by Streep and a very out-of-place young teacher played by Amy Adams. They suspect the priest (Huffman) of having physical relations with a black boy - the first ever for that particular school.

The entire movie revolves around whether that little doubt that creeps into the principal's mind about the priest's nature of affection for the boy. He denies the charges, saying he especially looks after the guy due to obvious racial reasons.

OK, ya I realize I am still a noob at giving movie reviews.. so shall not say too much, except that watch the movie in full... it gets a little repetitive in the middle, but when you sit through the entire movie, you will be able to appreciate it.

Of course I would not suggest this movie to too many people mostly because its got a very slow start .. in fact the entire movie is slow with a lot of talk of love, guilt, doubt and so on. I liked it. Some will. The acting performances weren't really great.

I swear to God, in one scene in a classroom, Meryl Streep actually behaves like she is stoned. I am serious. Probably a few actors actually do smoke up before a shot.Entirely possible. In fact I think its obvious that a lot of actors smoke up for their scene.

The movie will hit you just after the last dialogue. Trust me.You will appreciate it better then.

Good Movie.Watch it.

Tropic Thunder

Wanted to watch this for really long.But Adi said it sucked... so hadne bothered. But then Kau told me it was good and given Adi's pathetic reviews of movies.. went ahead with it today and man what a movie. I dont know if I liked it because of after-effects or whatever.. I dont even know if after effects even exist but I am saying what I want to say - The movie was good. I still feel kind of weird. Still not able to completely gather my damn thoughts together.

Fuck the movie was too funny though. Fuck nice shit.

OK, I realise I am digressing on a blog that probably no one would read.. but helps to keep whoever is reading it, entertained. So there... thats entertainment.Get the fuck out of here.

I dont know if this is my normal self just typing whats coming to my mind only because I have a reason or I would have generally written a lot of shit like this. This really sucks to not know. It should last, but not forever. There should be limits everywhere man. Fuck too many things are coming to my head right now. Cant concentrate here. I am cheaply making use of a post dedicated to an awesome movie to describe how fucked things can get or appear to get under influence. Man what influence though. Might find it funny or normal the next time I read it. Let's see.

OK Tropic Thunder - must watch.

(PS - I realise I 'must watch'-rate a lot of movie..thats because nowadays I am watching a movie given all the reviews about it and shit and typically I would watch good movie)

The Rocker

Rainn Wilson-starrer movie about a guy who gets kicked out of a band and how he returns to kick butt 20 years later.Why the fuck would I would I not watch it?!!

I had to write this post a long fucking time ago but has not fucking happened... I am writing this with the other movie I just watcher - Tropic Thunder.More about that awesome movie later.

The Rocker also had some nice songs. I hope to get hold of them soon.The chick was good - Christina Applegate, albeit old.
Fuck it.

The movie is good.WATCH IT...

Rainn Wilson. Go for it brother. You are the fucking man. I done fucking care if this comes out as weird or stupid or ridiculous.Who the fuck cares what you think.Rainn Wilson is the man.Happy belated birthday brother!

Day Tripper. Day Tripper.Day Tripper.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


After having heard a lot of good things being said about this movie, I decided to watch it. Stayed on my 'to-watch' for quite sometime till today.
Milk is a story about Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in California.

Its a very inspiring story, as would be expected.
Well, ya the gay scenes were pretty disgusting, but you can always choose to forward them.

On the whole a good movie, and worth the hype. Sean Penn did a wonderful job.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Wrestler

After having watched the Golden Globes awards presentation (yes, sometimes I am THAT jobless), I felt like watching 'The Wrestler'. The trailer was brilliant but I think I Springsteen's song and chords added to the magic.
The movie as such was great. A very different and heart-wrenching tale which, I have been told kind of mirrored Mickey Rourke's life.
Wasn't expecting the song to come out as the credits rolled... It would have been super-apt at some point just before the credits.. but what the hell... enjoyed it nevertheless.

The 2 Golden Globes it won, I feel it deserved.

To wrap up, well ya the lyrics of the song..... kickass stuff!

Have you ever seen a one trick pony in the field so happy and free?
If you've ever seen a one trick pony then you've seen me
Have you ever seen a one-legged dog making its way down the street?
If you've ever seen a one-legged dog then you've seen me

Then you've seen me, I come and stand at every door
Then you've seen me, I always leave with less than I had before
Then you've seen me, bet I can make you smile when the blood, it hits the floor
Tell me, friend, can you ask for anything more?
Tell me can you ask for anything more?

Have you ever seen a scarecrow filled with nothing but dust and wheat?
If you've ever seen that scarecrow then you've seen me
Have you ever seen a one-armed man punching at nothing but the breeze?
If you've ever seen a one-armed man then you've seen me

Then you've seen me, I come and stand at every door
Then you've seen me, I always leave with less than I had before
Then you've seen me, bet I can make you smile when the blood, it hits the floor
Tell me, friend, can you ask for anything more?
Tell me can you ask for anything more?

These things that have comforted me, I drive away
This place that is my home I cannot stay
My only faith's in the broken bones and bruises I display

Have you ever seen a one-legged man trying to dance his way free?
If you've ever seen a one-legged man then you've seen me..

A must-watch!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Road to Perdition

This was one movie I had wanted to watch when it came out.... I remember having seen the trailer in the theater and looked pretty awesome but I never actually watched it. And it was a week back that I felt like watching the movie when I came across the word 'Perdition'. Had to wait for sometime for someone with a good print.Eventually watched it yesterday. And liked it.

Tom Hanks was as he is.
Jude Law bordered on Javier Bardem in 'No Country For Old Men'.
Then again there is that quaint feel to period movies done right.
The plot was not really great but it was well made and enjoyable and at least didn't let me drowse off after a particularly tiring session at the swimming pool.

And yes, great instrumentals in the sound track :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Till date....

Right... this is a blog to keep track of all the movies that I have watched and hope to update it as regularly as possible.

A list of movies I have watched over the past few weeks are :

Slumdog Millionaire
Reign Over Me
Wild Strawberries
The Visitor
Little Miss Sunshine(for probably the 50th time)

Hopefully , will be able to write more about the movie in the future posts.