Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tropic Thunder

Wanted to watch this for really long.But Adi said it sucked... so hadne bothered. But then Kau told me it was good and given Adi's pathetic reviews of movies.. went ahead with it today and man what a movie. I dont know if I liked it because of after-effects or whatever.. I dont even know if after effects even exist but I am saying what I want to say - The movie was good. I still feel kind of weird. Still not able to completely gather my damn thoughts together.

Fuck the movie was too funny though. Fuck nice shit.

OK, I realise I am digressing on a blog that probably no one would read.. but helps to keep whoever is reading it, entertained. So there... thats entertainment.Get the fuck out of here.

I dont know if this is my normal self just typing whats coming to my mind only because I have a reason or I would have generally written a lot of shit like this. This really sucks to not know. It should last, but not forever. There should be limits everywhere man. Fuck too many things are coming to my head right now. Cant concentrate here. I am cheaply making use of a post dedicated to an awesome movie to describe how fucked things can get or appear to get under influence. Man what influence though. Might find it funny or normal the next time I read it. Let's see.

OK Tropic Thunder - must watch.

(PS - I realise I 'must watch'-rate a lot of movie..thats because nowadays I am watching a movie given all the reviews about it and shit and typically I would watch good movie)