Sunday, January 25, 2009



Normal self hopefully.
Yes, I heard about this movie only after the Golden Globe awards and the Oscar nominations.Philip Seymour Huffman - if I have spelt it right acted like a weird little prick in 'Capote', the acting was great. I have also heard a lot of shit as to how Meryl Streep is good and so on and on. Amy Adams, I tell is beautiful!

So the movie was an obvious choice.

The movie is mostly about the principles and ideals of a convent-public school in I dont remember which place in America. There is this tight-ass principal played by Streep and a very out-of-place young teacher played by Amy Adams. They suspect the priest (Huffman) of having physical relations with a black boy - the first ever for that particular school.

The entire movie revolves around whether that little doubt that creeps into the principal's mind about the priest's nature of affection for the boy. He denies the charges, saying he especially looks after the guy due to obvious racial reasons.

OK, ya I realize I am still a noob at giving movie reviews.. so shall not say too much, except that watch the movie in full... it gets a little repetitive in the middle, but when you sit through the entire movie, you will be able to appreciate it.

Of course I would not suggest this movie to too many people mostly because its got a very slow start .. in fact the entire movie is slow with a lot of talk of love, guilt, doubt and so on. I liked it. Some will. The acting performances weren't really great.

I swear to God, in one scene in a classroom, Meryl Streep actually behaves like she is stoned. I am serious. Probably a few actors actually do smoke up before a shot.Entirely possible. In fact I think its obvious that a lot of actors smoke up for their scene.

The movie will hit you just after the last dialogue. Trust me.You will appreciate it better then.

Good Movie.Watch it.